CCE Administration Team


CCE leadership supports and engages with the nine divisions and offices to achieve goals and fulfill the department’s statewide mission. Identifying and operationalizing successful approaches, as well as putting in place effective measurement tools, will lead to greater efficiencies, deeper collaboration between divisions, and more effective service to stakeholders and Utah residents.

We do better together.


Executive Assistant

Marjorie Moore

Manages: Juggles all the plates (fill in your favorite detail-focused project management stereotype here). Contact her to order CCE or flag gear.

> marjoriemoore@utah.gov

Finance Team

The Finance Team is friendly, helpful and down-to-earth, but most of the time they will work with division leadership to meet your needs.

Learn More

Tenielle Humphreys

finance director

Kimberlee Willette

budget director

Kristin Mead

budget team lead

Cathy Wann

budget analyst

Ketty Ji

budget analyst

Greg Jeffs


Advancement Team

An effective department utilizes the right tools for the job. CCE leaders are positioned to help implement successful programs by securing and providing resources, creating systems, and offering support

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Kat Potter

deputy director

David Wicai

director of strategic initiatives

Ellen Weist

public information officer

Kevin Edwards

graphic designer + photographer

Jenny Duff

graphic design specailist

Sophia Riggs

legislative and special projects assistant

Cassandra Wambach

director of Thriving Utah

Branden McQueen-Bryers

Americorps program specialist