Welcome: Monica Davila


Community engagement coordinator, Peoples of Utah Revisited Initiative, Utah Division of State History

Where did you work most recently?

I’ve worked at Utah State University in special collections under manuscript curator.

Where were you raised?

Tucson, Arizona.

Where did you attend university?

University of Arizona, where I earned a BA in history, before earning a master’s in history at USU.

What brought you to work in state government?

Cultural engagement position.

What personal hobbies/interests would be helpful for your co-workers to know

I love reading mostly classics, historical fiction, and 20th-century historical nonfiction. I like to cook and bake, especially cookies. I like to travel and visit new places and explore local museums and historical sites. My dream trip is to do a road trip around the American West.

What kind of work conversations, meetings, or retreat activities spark your
creativity or new ideas?

How to create inclusivity in archives, Michelle Caswell’s work on enacting liberatory memory work, indigenous studies and history and current matters, Mexican-American history and current matters, oral histories, urban history, archival preservation, teaching minoritized groups the important of familial history and archival preservation, having conversations about these topics, getting other people’s perspectives, and learning from their thoughts and ideas.